Door Alexander Ket op 1 april 2012
Searching the web for new Agile games I came across: You sunk my Methodology. This game seemed like a strong metaphor to show the power of early feedback, while using Scrum. In order to use this game in a presentation Bob, Daniel and I made a Javascript (standalone) version of it which uses variable iterations of shooting at the enemy's ships. Board layouts are random and you get 40 shots in total to destroy the enemy's fleet. After each iteration you get feedback about hits and misses. If you use iterations of 1, you are playing the regular battleship-game. Each shot costs 10.000 and when you sink a ship you get the_ships_size * 50.000 (e.g. the submarine of size 3 will reward you with 150.000). If you keep track of the balance after each iteration, you could also try to get across the idea that stopping after a few iterations might give 'good enough' rewards. It can be downloaded from our GitHub repository as a zip or you can take a look at our code. Just double click on the index.html (in the public folder) to start a game. **Update: Now also direct playable on GitHub.Zilverline gebruikt cookies om content en advertenties te personaliseren en om ons websiteverkeer te analyseren. Ook delen we informatie over uw gebruik van onze site met onze partners voor adverteren en analyse. Deze partners kunnen deze gegevens combineren met andere informatie die u aan ze heeft verstrekt of die ze hebben verzameld op basis van uw gebruik van hun services.